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planned performance中文是什么意思

用"planned performance"造句"planned performance"怎么读"planned performance" in a sentence


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  • Research and analysis on existing performance system performance appraisal plan performance appraisal appraisal communication
  • But lin was full of determination . he continued training dancers and planning performances . soon , his innovative style began to win audiences over
  • The objectives provide quantified forecasts and target for departmental managers who can react more quickly to differences between actual and planned performance
  • These reports of information systems oriented to control compare actual performance with planned performance , so that corrective measures may be taken on the basis of differences disclosed
  • He passed away in 2001 and we could no longer hear his one - of - a - kind magical tones live . that year he was still planning performances on tour to china . unfortunately he died before realization of the plan
  • Abstract : through critical assessment of the traditional planning theories , i . e . , systematic planning theory , rational planning theory , and the consensus seeking of communicative planning theory , as well as the pragmatic planning theory , which could be more effective to reach objectives under the competitiveness , the author proposes a four principles system of the planning performance theory
用"planned performance"造句  
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